"I was disappointed with the draft because my 4 sons were not drafted. I feel as though the military would have shown them what life was really about."
My name is Mike Bacich and I was an Equipment Operator for the Marine Corps from 1953-1956. I joined the service because I wanted to give back to my country. At the time, there was a lot of patriotism as an effect of World War 2, another motivating factor. I also had two brothers serving in the Marines alongside me. Prior to serving, I was a high schooler.
Military life was a big change for me. I still remember my first Christmas away from home, and how I spent it with all the other guys there. Life was strict; a lot of discipline is needed
I served abroad in Korea and Japan. I drove a truck and ran heavy equipment. I formed very close friends that I went to bootcamp with because we served together and kept getting stationed together. It was a lot of fun.
My service taught me how to stand on my own two feet and be an upstanding citizen. Honesty and integrity, as well as hard work are necessary to succeed. I’m all for the military; I was disappointed with the draft because my 4 sons were not drafted. I feel as though the military would have shown them what life was really about.This should go for every high schooler; it will give them a direction and purpose in life
I am not just happy that I served; I am proud. I would do it all over again if I could. I just wish there was more concern for the veterans. The VA is really short-handed when it comes to being able to process and care for veterans. I live 103 miles away, and this is the only place I can come to. People are not aware of what the younger veterans go through. I myself wasn't aware until I came here and saw what they were going through; loss of limbs, scars, etc. It was eye-opening.